
Lejla Pock becomes the new managing director of the Styrian human technology cluster

On October 1, 2022, Lejla Pock will take over the management of "Human.Technology Styria". She succeeds Johann Harer, who is taking his well-deserved (non-)retirement after eight years at the head of the cluster.
Group picture with Johann Harer, Lejla Pock and Barbara Eibinger-Miedl
Caption: Johann Harer, Lejla Pock and Barbara Eibinger-Miedl, © Land Steiermark
Group picture with Johann Harer, Lejla Pock and Barbara Eibinger-MiedlCaption: Johann Harer, Lejla Pock and Barbara Eibinger-Miedl, © Land Steiermark

The current financial manager of the Styrian human technology cluster has been closely associated with it for almost 20 years. As a shareholder and authorized signatory of the Austin consulting firm, Pock + Partners, which specializes in technology and innovation, she has already been able to implement numerous projects in the cluster environment and has also known Human.Technology Styria from the community perspective from this time. She has experience as an entrepreneur, as a startup, as an SME and as a consulting service provider. This experience and her good knowledge of the Styrian life science industry helped Ms. Pock to assert herself against strong international competition in the tendering process.

Born in Croatia, she came to Graz in 1993 and has since lived in the Styrian capital.

"I am very pleased that the Styrian human technology cluster will in future be managed by an experienced and competent expert who has known both the industry and the cluster very well for many years. It therefore has a corresponding network and reputation among the member companies. I wish her every success in her new role. I would like to thank Johann Harer very much for his commitment over the past few years. He and his team have done great work for the industry, which was particularly in focus during the years of the Corona pandemic. I wish him all the best for his future,” said Barbara Eibinger-Miedl, Minister for Economic Affairs.

“I've grown with many cluster companies and the cluster itself and have been able to accompany them on their successful path. It fills me with joy to see how the strong Styrian life science community has expanded thematically and developed quantitatively in recent years," says the future managing director Lejla Pock.

The future managing director would like to continue the current strategic orientation: "Styria is well positioned in the life science sector, with our 'Strategy 2025+' we have also set the right priorities: The topics of sustainability, digitization and innovation in the health sector will become more important in the coming years years through our existing strengths in MedTech and Pharma/BioTech. Our goal is to implement the excellent research results in Styria in the form of product and service innovations, to support start-ups even more and to make optimal use of synergies within the network.”

Lejla Pock will use the coming months to prepare for her new function: "I would like to thank Johann Harer, who has supported and expanded the community so excellently in recent years - an excellent basis for me to now further develop the cluster in a targeted manner. It makes me very proud that I can continue to act as CEO in this industry from October, and I'm looking forward to my new task!"

Lejla Pock and Barbara Eibinger-Miedl
Caption: Lejla Pock and Barbara Eibinger-Miedl, © Land Steiermark


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