
The Lebenshilfe social services strengthen living spaces so that all people can develop their potential. Together we stand for social fairness and security.
We provide our support services in the accompaniment of people on an equal footing, taking into account all potential and in the highest quality. More than 1.300 employees work with around 3.000 people and their diverse networks in all phases and areas of life. Our work is based on general human rights. We support socially disadvantaged and disabled people to participate in social life. We have one big goal: living, working, living - like everyone else!


Conrad von Hötzendorf-Strasse 37a
8010 Graz / Austria

T: +43 316 71 55 06 652

Job vacancies

The Styrian life science community is also a very lively job market. 
There are numerous and very different career paths along the entire value chain. 

Here you can find the open jobs at the Lebenshilfe Social Services: