AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH

The Competence Unit Digital Healthcare Information Systems of the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology with locations in Graz, Hall in Tirol and Vienna focuses on applied research in the areas of personal health systems, predictive analytics in healthcare and biosignal processing. An interdisciplinary team of scientists and engineers develops information and communication technology-based solutions and integrated eHealth solutions for current challenges in the fields of biomedical research, health care and Active and Healthy Aging (AHA).


Reininghausstrasse 13 / 1
8020 Graz / Austria

T: + 43 50 550 29 62


Start of a successful cooperation

Parkside Informationstechnologie GmbH has been a cluster member of the Styrian human technology cluster since April 2022.
To kick off a successful cooperation, a UX Expert Review of a digital application was raffled among the participants of the Meet&Greet event in May.

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