Albert Schweitzer Institute for Geriatrics and Gerontology

Together we create better living environments for older people. Living environments in which people can use their resources and develop their potential. We keep an eye on the health of the elderly population as a whole.
We address social issues of age:ns around the topics of care and support in old age, digital health, informal care and dementia. The questions come from practice, directly from older people, health professionals or caring relatives. Together with our stakeholders, we work on them within the framework of research, development, innovation and/or evaluation projects (accompanying research). We apply qualitative and quantitative research methods and work with selected tools for design thinkers as part of our co-creation processes. The results of our work flow back to our target groups and ideally create direct benefits in their living environments: at home, in nursing homes, in hospitals. We always keep the doors of the Albert Schweitzer Institute open to give anyone interested access to our work. We make our results accessible to a broad scientific and non-scientific public.


Albert Schweitzer Gasse 36
8020 Graz / Austria

T: +43 316 70 60 10 61

Job vacancies

The Styrian life science community is also a very lively job market. 
There are numerous and very different career paths along the entire value chain. 

Click here for open jobs at the Albert Schweitzer Institute for Geriatrics and Gerontology:


Living Lab for technology that assists the elderly starts in Graz

As a cooperation project between the Geriatric Health Centers (GGZ), Styria GmbH (HTS) and other partners, a center for assistive technologies for the elderly was recently opened in Esther House at Bethlehemgasse 6 in Graz. A Living Lab specializing in Elderly Care and Social Innovation has also emerged as part of this center.

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