Austrian Center of Industrial Biotechnology (ACIB GmbH)

The Austrian Center of Industrial Biotechnology (acib) is an international research hotspot that combines the expertise of over 100 scientific and industrial partners from all over the world. Over 200 acib researchers with over 25 years of expertise in industrial biotechnology are embracing the abilities and possibilities of nature and developing processes with higher ecological and economic efficiency, functional products for everyday use or natural products with higher quality and purity, which ultimately increase people's quality of life.


Krengasse 37
8010 Graz / Austria

T: + 43 316 873 9316

Job vacancies

The Styrian life science community is also a very lively job market. 
There are numerous and very different career paths along the entire value chain. 

Click here for open jobs at acib:


Women from Graz are researching new ways for alternative meat products

Current crises and a growing population are causing the demand for meat to increase sharply worldwide. Traditional meat production, especially factory farming, consumes too many of the increasingly scarce resources, takes up too much land and emits the same amount of greenhouse gases as the entire transport sector. That is why Graz researchers from the Austrian Center of Industrial Biotechnology (acib) are working on a new, more environmentally friendly meat alternative.

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