Job vacancies
The Styrian life science community is also a very lively job market.
There are numerous and very different career paths along the entire value chain.
Click here for open jobs at BDI:
The Austrian company BDI-BioLife Science specializes in the development of innovative technologies and the production of algae-based materials for the life science sector. The self-designed, closed cultivation system guarantees a location-independent, constant, economical production of high-quality algae resources. The main areas of application for natural algae products are in the food supplement, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries. The effect of astaxanthin, the strongest naturally occurring antioxidant, has been proven by numerous studies. As a highly effective cell and membrane protection, astaxanthin is primarily used as an anti-aging agent, anti-inflammatory and UV protection.
Parking ring 18
8074 Raaba-Grambach
T: + 43 316 40 09 160
The Styrian life science community is also a very lively job market.
There are numerous and very different career paths along the entire value chain.
Click here for open jobs at BDI:
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