Deloitte Wirtschaftsprüfung Styria GmbH

Deloitte Styria: Locally anchored, globally connected

Möstl & Pfeiffer Steuerberatungs GmbH was founded in Graz in 2001. Personal contact and proximity to the client have always been particularly important to us. Providing advice and having time for individual solutions – not only for major customers, but also for small and medium-sized businesses – has been our aim from the start.
The good cooperation with the public administration and with companies from the legal and financial services sector helps us in the implementation of our consulting projects.
We are a Styrian consulting company that is part of the international Deloitte network and thus combine local expertise with global strength. Clients with tax consulting assignments are looked after by us at Möstl & Pfeiffer Steuerberatungs GmbH, our auditing work and advice for international clients is carried out by us at Deloitte Wirtschaftsprüfung Styria GmbH in close cooperation with the experts from Deloitte Austria.
Paulustorgasse 10
8010 Graz / Austria
T: + 43 316 373037 0


Group picture of the winning teams

HTS honors the business ideas of Styrian schoolchildren.

The “Start!Up School” business plan competition took place for the 17th time this year. The most innovative business ideas from Styrian HTL students were chosen again this year, for the first time in the main topics "Health & Sustainability". In addition to the HTL Kaindorf, the HTL BULME Deutschlandsberg and BULME Graz-Gösting were able to convince the expert jury of their projects.

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