FH JOANNEUM Gesellschaft mbH

FH JOANNEUM currently offers over 47 Bachelor's and Master's degree programs and cooperates with around 200 partner universities around the world, which makes us one of the leading universities of applied sciences in Austria. In our six departments - Applied Computer Science; engineering sciences; Construction, Energy & Society; health sciences; media & design; Management - we prepare our students for the world of work. Our lecturers combine top scientific qualifications with many years of experience in companies and institutions and contribute their expertise to both teaching and applied research. The main topics are information management in the health and care sector, innovation in diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, analytical challenges in biomedicine and industrial pharmaceutics, quality assurance in the health system as well as health promotion and prevention.


Alte Poststrasse 149
8020 Graz / Austria

T: + 43 316 54 53 0

Job vacancies

The Styrian life science community is also a very lively job market. 
There are numerous and very different career paths along the entire value chain. 

Click here for open jobs at FH Joanneum:


Group picture of the winning teams

HTS honors the business ideas of Styrian schoolchildren.

The “Start!Up School” business plan competition took place for the 17th time this year. The most innovative business ideas from Styrian HTL students were chosen again this year, for the first time in the main topics "Health & Sustainability". In addition to the HTL Kaindorf, the HTL BULME Deutschlandsberg and BULME Graz-Gösting were able to convince the expert jury of their projects.

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