JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH

JOANNEUM RESEARCH is the second largest non-university research institution in Austria and offers interdisciplinary complete solutions in the fields of tissue-specific pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics, bioanalytics and pharmaceutical analytics, metabolomics and biomarker research, data management and biostatistics, clinical decision support, medical sensors, tissue repair and regeneration (including wound healing), aging (including skin aging) and anti-aging/healthy aging, digital health and care applications with a focus on active and assisted living, neurodegenerative diseases and mental health, and lab-on-chip and additive manufacturing.
Certified excellence: EN ISO 9001:2015, EN ISO 13485:2018, EN ISO 14644, accredited test laboratory, ROBOTICS Evaluation Lab, GLP - Good Laboratory Practice, TÜV certificate OFM-Disposables.


Leonhardstrasse 59
8010 Graz / Austria

T: + 43 316 876 0

Job vacancies

The Styrian life science community is also a very lively job market. 
There are numerous and very different career paths along the entire value chain. 

Click here for open jobs JOANNEUM RESEARCH:


Photo with Reinhold Wurzinger and Johann Harer

"Future-oriented rejuvenation"

K-Businesscom AG, formerly Kapsch BusinessCom AG, has officially been part of the Styria GmbH shareholder team since June 8, together with SFG, Joanneum Research, MedUni Graz, Neuroth, Payer, Roche, VTU and ZETA.

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