Medical University of Graz

"Pioneering Minds - Caring for Patients' Health and Well-being"

Under this motto, the Medical University of Graz bundles its broad field of competence around three central pillars:

• Future-oriented and innovative range of courses for students and people interested in further education
• Competitive and internationally networked cutting-edge research from the scientific basis to clinical application
• Personalized state-of-the-art patient care at the LKH University Hospital Graz

All people working at Med Uni Graz are involved in the implementation of the diverse projects: scientists, researchers, doctors, students, teachers and the many other employees from different professional groups see themselves as "pioneering minds", who through their daily work and their appreciative and open cooperation make up the spirit and innovative strength of Med Uni Graz.


Neue Stiftingtalstr. 6, WEST, Entrance Q, 8th St.
8010 Graz / Austria

T: + 43 316 385 720 11

Job vacancies

The Styrian life science community is also a very lively job market. 
There are numerous and very different career paths along the entire value chain. 

Click here for open jobs of the Medical University of Graz:


Photo with Reinhold Wurzinger and Johann Harer

"Future-oriented rejuvenation"

K-Businesscom AG, formerly Kapsch BusinessCom AG, has officially been part of the Styria GmbH shareholder team since June 8, together with SFG, Joanneum Research, MedUni Graz, Neuroth, Payer, Roche, VTU and ZETA.

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