Team Novasign

Photo: Xavier Laiz Diaz
Novasign GmbH was founded in 2019 as a spin-off from BOKU and is doing pioneering work in the design and optimization of bioprocesses. With an extensive bioprocess background, Novasign offers intelligent experimental design with state-of-the-art modeling solutions in easy-to-use software. Novasign enables its customers to optimize workflows, simplify test planning and data retrieval, and visualize the resulting process understanding using modeling. The workflow shortens development times for both upstream and downstream operations by up to 70% and can be used to produce highly specific enzymes, biopharmaceutical products or cultured foods.
Aspernbrückengasse 2/2
1020 Vienna / Austria
Team Novasign
Photo: Xavier Laiz Diaz
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8010 Graz, Austria
+43 316 58 70 16
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