PDI Digital GmbH

At PDi Digital we dealt with disruptive technologies. We developed our sepioo IIoT technology to create a digitally connected world where relevant data is shared at the right time with the right places/people in a sustainable way.
All our power lies in our vision and our vision is embodied in our technology.
sepioo, our intelligent IIoT technology, is the basis for digital disruption in a variety of key industries. In addition to our outstanding sepioo IIoT platform, our digital displays and our ultra-low power IIoT sensors help customers and partners to maximize their digital potential.


Kalsdorfer Strasse 6
8072 Fernitz


Job vacancies

The Styrian life science community is also a very lively job market. 
There are numerous and very different career paths along the entire value chain. 

Here are the open jobs at PDi Digital: