VelaLabs GmbH

VelaLabs (founded in 2006) is a global GLP/GMP certified and GCLP compliant contract laboratory providing analytical characterization services for pharmaceuticals including proteins, biosimilars, hormones, monoclonal antibodies and peptides. With broad expertise in customer-specific analytical method development and analysis and a highly motivated team, VelaLabs supports its customers from research through preclinical & clinical phases to product commercialization and market release in Europe.

Equipped with a clean room newly built in 2021, VelaLabs has been offering the entire spectrum of microbiological services with a focus on the pharmaceutical sector since 2020. VelaLabs based in Vienna (Austria) has been part of the Tentamus Group since 2016.


Brunnerstrasse 69/3
1230 Vienna / Austria

T: +43 1 890 59 79 11