VTU Top GmbH

VTU plans process engineering systems for industry. We offer the highest level of competence in all project phases from process development, project management, basic and detail engineering to successful commissioning. For the pharmaceutical and medical device industry and hospitals VTU supports in the GxP-related areas of risk management, qualification and validation (for production, computers, cleaning and analytical methods), quality by design as well as services for inspections / audits.


Parking ring 18
8074 Grambach

T: + 43 316 40 09 200

Job vacancies

The Styrian life science community is also a very lively job market. 
There are numerous and very different career paths along the entire value chain. 

Click here for open jobs VTU:


Photo with Reinhold Wurzinger and Johann Harer

"Future-oriented rejuvenation"

K-Businesscom AG, formerly Kapsch BusinessCom AG, has officially been part of the Human.technology Styria GmbH shareholder team since June 8, together with SFG, Joanneum Research, MedUni Graz, Neuroth, Payer, Roche, VTU and ZETA.

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