Digitization is a cross-cutting issue, it is a driver of innovation in almost all of our key areas. For example, digital technologies enable the simulation of processes and production facilities through visualizations in the digital twin. Or new, digital treatment methods are emerging - both for medical professionals and for end customers.   

Digitization offers a multitude of possibilities to treat and care for people better, to save costs in the health system and to generate regional added value. In an international comparison, however, there is a great need to catch up in Austria, especially in telemedicine and in the area of ​​age-appropriate assistance systems.  

As part of the Styrian e-Health Advisory Board and as the organizer of the Styrian platform for healthcare, we promote innovations in the healthcare market. In this context, new cooperation partnerships, such as public and private health insurance companies, will play an increasingly important role in the implementation of new innovative solutions.  




Our goal is to make Styria a digital health innovation region in the long term. Ininnovative supply concepts should here be tested and certified to then roll them out nationally and internationally. This is the first step there Matchmaking with relevant healthcare stakeholders, research institutes and companies



The Eurocluster DESIRE (“Ddevelopment of E-Health Ssolutions Improving Rresilience in Europe”) supports SMEs in gaining access to European digital health markets.

At least 35 small and medium-sized companies will be supported in the course of the project through a mentoring program and through financial support for their projects.    

Couple jogging together


People who need support, caring relatives and medical professionals are supported and relieved through the use of digital tools. AAL technologies and digital nursing assistants are therefore a great opportunity to increase the overall quality of care and nursing - which directly benefits people who need support.


Data Transfer & Security

Digital health data is the linchpin of many innovations in the digital health sector. 
In particular, we are working to improve the availability of health data in the area of ​​research and development. For this reason, as part of the project advisory board, we support the project "IDE@S – Innovative Data Environment @ Styria". 

Flying network connection interface 3D rendering on blue background

National & international networking

National and international networking of our partners is one of our greatest concerns.

In order to improve access to national and international markets for cluster players, we will be represented at the following national and international events in 2023:

  • DMEA Berlin (April 25-27, 2023) 
  • Austrian Health Forum Schladming (May 11-13, 2023) 
  • dHealth Vienna (May 16-17, 2023) 
  • Delegation trip to Finland (June 2023) 
  • Exploratory trip med-Logistica Leipzig (05-06 July 2023) 

Medicine meets technology

Our "Medicine Meets Technology" series of events brings companies, physicians, researchers, users and students together to explore possible potential for cooperation and common challenges.  

The aim of the event is to give companies a deeper insight into current research topics and medical challenges, to increase the knowledge of physicians and users with regard to the latest technical implementation options and, ideally, to initiate cooperation among the participants.  

Prior areas of focus include: 

  • AAL / eHealth 
  • VR / AR 
  • RFID / NFC 
  • hospital logistics 


Pascal Mülner, HTS

DI Pascal Mülner
Business Development: Digitization