
Because it's cared.

Thursday 13 October
16: 30 - 19: 00
UNICORN Startup & Innovation Hub - Conference Deck 6a Schubertstraße 8010 Graz

"We have a nursing shortage - the nursing crisis could turn into a catastrophe." (Caritas President Michael Landau)

The situation is critical - needs-based and feasible solutions are rare. Therefore have themselves TECH HOUSE and UNICORN – Startup and Innovation Hub can 3DAYS for care brought to life. A format that gives socially relevant topics space to work together on a solution.

The evening event “Because it's cared. Holistic innovation in care" is the kick-off event for the 3-day series of events on the subject of care.

More information about the 3DAYS for care You will find here:

Because it's cared.
Unfortunately missed


16.30:  Welcome & Get Together

17.15:  Opening address

17.25:  Impulse care of tomorrow

17.45:  panel discussion

18.30:  World Cafe – Joint discussion and brainstorming on various issues

19.15:  Outlook on the 3DAYS for care


3Days is supported by Humantechnology Styria and the State of Styria, Department of Health, Care, Sport and Society.