Gold mines for innovations


Developing something innovative and new in the life sciences and human technologies is not only time-consuming.
From development to implementation, a lot of know-how, contacts, infrastructural and financial resources are required.
Here you will find information and contacts for the most important funding institutions as well as tips & tricks on all aspects of funding.

The spring issue 2023 of our cluster magazine "Botenstoff” is dedicated to the topic of “funding” in the title story.
Here you will find a whole range of information, interviews, tips & tricks about the "gold mines of innovations".


Find out about the EU-funded projects that we have submitted and are implementing for you.
Find out how you can benefit here!


Cascade funding for SMEs in eHealth and digital health

Co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 

DESIRE supports SMEs in accessing the European market for electronic and digital health services
 and enables them to shape the green and digital transformation.

The DESIRE Open Call focuses on innovative projects in the areas of e-health and digital health with the aim of strengthening the resilience of the European healthcare markets and driving the green & digital change. 

The call is aimed at individual SMEs or consortia made up of at least one SME and one other organisation.

A total of 1,05 million euros is earmarked for this funding call. The funding range per project is between €20.000 and €30.000.

By submitting to the DESIRE Open Call, applicants compete to participate in the DESIRE funding program, under which 35 SMEs will receive funding of up to €30.000 as direct funding and service vouchers. The DESIRE funding covers up to 50% of the estimated project costs. Each applicant is obliged to bear at least 50% of the costs themselves.

The funding is divided as follows:

  • Between €10.000 and €20.000 as direct financing
  • At least €10.000 in the form of service vouchers for services from external providers


Companies are supported in the areas of sustainability and digitization.

Co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

"Enabling Transformation" supports the development of holistic strategies for corporate transformation
 with regard to two main issues: 

Digitalization and  Sustainability.


Measures are promoted here that lead to more sustainable use of natural resources. In particular, the following topics are covered:

  • economical use of resources
  • increased use of renewable raw materials
  • Measures to increase energy efficiency
  • Projects to prevent, reduce and dispose of waste


The development, planning and implementation of digitization processes as well as their further development and integration into the corporate strategy are funded and supported.

Styrian production companies or company-related service companies in the pharmaceutical, biotech, medtech and health sectors are supported.

The funding is primarily aimed at SMEs, and in the area of ​​sustainability also at large companies.

The funding rate is 75%. The companies only have to bear 25% of the consulting costs themselves.

The funding budget consists of 100% EU funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).


Support for innovation ecosystems in healthcare to increase their effectiveness and promote international cooperation among stakeholders.

Financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

I3HIES aims to build a long-term, collaborative, inter-regional healthcare innovation ecosystem.

The target group receives support in identifying innovation potential, increasing capacity, networking and collaboration. They are also supported in the development and validation of business ideas, their willingness to invest is increased and they are prepared for financing.

The partners organize national and international events, such as co-creation workshops and investor clubs, to help innovative ideas get noticed by investors and obtain financing.


New project in the field of eHealth!

Co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 

… coming soon

… coming soon

… coming soon

… coming soon



The project goal is a functioning product, process or service – including digital product, process or service. 

Funding: up to a maximum of €3,0 million per project.

Basic program projects produce an actionable product, process, or service—including a digital product, process, or service.

The idea counts, the prototype is a result and market entry is the goal.

It will Corporate projects of experimental development promoted.

The project goal is a working product, process or service – including digital product, process or service. 

All costs attributable to the project (e.g. personnel costs, costs for using R&D infrastructure, material costs, travel costs and third-party costs) are eligible for funding direct, actual and in addition to traditional operating expenses occurred during the funding period according to the funding contract. 

The tender stands for all company and project sizes available. Any natural person or organization (outside the federal administration; note: private universities) planning a research and development project in accordance with the guidelines is invited to apply for funding in the basic program.

The funding is usually 50% of the project costs – for start-ups (already in the start-up phase) up to a maximum of 70%.

2024 - 2026

The Austrian Life Sciences call for proposals 2024 to 2026 provides support for research and development projects, clinical studies and flagship projects with smaller and larger project volumes.

Tender open from 22.03.2024 08:00 to 18.12.2026 12:00

Funding: up to a maximum of €4,0 million per project.

Support for research and development projects, clinical studies or flagship projects with smaller and larger project volumes.

The funding ceilings are €3 million in the case of company projects and clinical studies, €2 million for the Eureka tender Austria - Israel and for the flagship project between €2 million and a maximum of €4 million.

The amount of the grant depends on the type of organization and the research category.

Funding is provided for R&D company projects (industrial research, experimental development) by Austrian companies that deal with the following subject areas:

  • Digitization of health aspects (diagnostics, telemedicine, medical devices, etc.)
  • newer, more effective, higher quality and safer, as well as more available and affordable drug and Medical Devices
  • Planning and implementation of phase I and II interventional clinical trials

In addition, lead projects in the field of "clinical research for novel solutions for health and disease data" are supported.

The call for proposals “Austrian Life Sciences 2024 to 2026” is aimed at all Austrian companies and, in the case of the flagship project, in addition to Austrian companies, also at actors from university and non-university research, universities of applied sciences and higher technical colleges based in Austria. The participation of foreign partners is possible (depending on the funding instrument). The participation of actors along the entire value chain is required. Further information and any restrictions can be found in the respective instrument guidelines and in the call for proposal guidelines.

The grant amount depends on the type of organization and the research category. A detailed table can be found on the official website.

2024 - 2026

Preseed – Deep Tech projects are usually at Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 3 according to the EU definition. Pre-competitive projects (e.g. projects by university and non-university research institutions without the immediate intention of founding a company) cannot be supported with this module.

Funding: up to € 300.000 

The Preseed – Deep Tech module supports entrepreneurial pre-start-up and start-up projects based on applied research and development, which are supported by developing an initial “proof of concept” or a prototype are to be brought to commercial implementation.

Type of support and advice

  • grant
  • Industry-specific advice, intellectual property rights advice and coaching: Consultations on innovation protection (max. 12 hours): The innovation protection experts support you in making the most of the potential of your intellectual property! In our tailor-made and confidential consultations and workshops, you will receive in-depth insights and strategies on how you can protect your innovations and thereby gain valuable and sustainable competitive advantages. For more information on the services, see aws innovation protection.
  • Developing additional sources of financing

Deep-Tech – e.g. digitization, ICT, physical science, GreenTech, Tech for Green, quantum technology, life science (pharma/biotech, medical devices including digital health)

Company size

  • natural people
  • Micro businesses
  • up to EUR 300.000
  • The maximum amount of funding can only be applied for if the gender bonus is applicable, otherwise the maximum funding amount is EUR 267.000.
  • The funding rate is 80% of the eligible costs, with 10% being paid in as shareholders' equity and a further 10% being able to be contributed from other defined monetary sources such as sales or long-term financing. If the gender bonus is applied, the funding intensity increases to 90%, with 5% being paid in as shareholders' equity and a further 5% being able to be contributed from other defined monetary sources such as sales or long-term financing.

2024 - 2026

in the module Seed financing – Deep Tech entrepreneurial start-up and business development based on applied research and development Scale-up-Projects are supported which are brought to economic implementation through the development of pre-series products, products and services. Seed financing – Deep Tech-Projects are usually located at TRL 6 according to the EU definition.

Funding: up to € 1.000.000

aws Seed financing – Deep Tech bridges the funding gap more innovatively Start-upswho develop high-tech products. Coaching and advice help Start-ups in the process of opening up further sources of financing.

Development phase up to the market-ready product

Deep-Tech – e.g. digitization, ICT, physical science, green tech, quantum technology, life science (pharma/biotech, medical devices including digital health)

Company size
small businessG with

  • less than 50 employees
  • less than 10 million euros annual turnover or balance sheet total

phase of development
Start-up phase: up to 5 years after establishment; application up to 54 months after establishment

Amount of financing

  • up to EUR 1.000.000 if the gender bonus applies
  • The maximum amount of funding can only be applied for if the gender bonus is applicable, otherwise the maximum funding amount is EUR 889.000.
  • The funding rate is 80% of the eligible costs, with 10% being paid in as shareholders' equity, and a further 10% being able to be contributed from other defined monetary sources such as sales or long-term financing. If the gender bonus is applied, the funding intensity increases to 90%, with 5% being paid in as shareholders' equity, and a further 5% being able to be contributed from other defined monetary sources such as sales or long-term financing.


go international offers a diverse program to open up markets, build networks and identify future trends early.

The initiative runs until 2027.

A comprehensive event program as well as overall five direct grants support Austrian companies in their internationalization steps.

Measures relating to export and internationalization are funded.

All Austrian companies.

per request maximum 3 countries is also possible

5 direct funding measures

Digital Marketing Check, Project Business Check, Internationalization Check, Education Check and Sourcing Check


Here you will find a wide range of grants from Styrian economic development - it's worth taking a look!

Start! Sure

The sponsor is the Styrian Economic Development Agency.

The tender is open.

Funding: up to € 30.000 per application

Runtime to 30.06.2027

"Start!Klar" is a promotion for the growth of young, innovative companies and digital communication.

Investments in machinery and equipment, office and business equipment and digital measures
Consulting services in the areas of business administration, law, innovation, technology and digitalization

Innovative micro, small and medium-sized enterprises that were founded/taken over up to 5 years before the application was submitted

up to 30.000 euros in funding per application

Start!Clear Plus

The sponsor is the Styrian Economic Development Agency.

The tender is open.

Funding: max € 100.000

The first round of financing is a milestone for startups, because business ideas take off with financially strong investors. When it comes to convincing financiers of your own vision, leave nothing to chance! The SFG takes over 80% of your professional preparation.

Projects prior to the first financing round that create the economic, legal and technological prerequisites for the startup’s scaling phase

Innovative small(er) companies that were registered in the commercial register no more than 5 years ago and are preparing for the first round of financing.

80% of the eligible costs, maximum funding amount 100.000 euros


The sponsor is the Styrian Economic Development Agency.

The tender is open.

Runtime to 30.06.2027

Make your company internationally visible and open up new markets. The SFG covers up to 60 percent of your costs.

trade fair appearances
Competition participation
European technology transfer
Market development

Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises
industrial-commercial production companies
business service providers
Trading companies

max. 60% of the eligible project costs

Styria! Bonus

The sponsor is the Styrian Economic Development Agency.

The tender is open.

Additional funding for R&D projects: Because Styria, with a research quota of more than 5 percent, is among the top 4 regions in Europe and is therefore a hotspot for innovation, the SFG awards additional funding for R&D projects funded by the federal government

Projects in the field of experimental development, projects in cooperation with other companies, research institutes and universities, transformative corporate projects

Companies that have submitted a project to the FFG and have been promised funding and financing from the FFG basic program.

The SFG increases the loan amount of the FFG by up to 20%

Ideas! Rich

The sponsor is the Styrian Economic Development Agency.

The tender is open.

For the development and implementation of new business ideas - especially digital or sustainable products - the SFG grants innovation funding of up to 75.000 euros.

Innovations including the development of new (digital and/or sustainable) products and services. IP strategy, business model development, submission of EU research project, prototype, demo system, beta version or market-ready product/service, internal personnel costs.

micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, production and craft enterprises, business-related service providers

Max. funding amount Module XS: 14.000 euros, Module XL: 75.000 euros

FUNDING EVENTS and webinars

ESG workshops for implementers | susform
Companies are confronted with a multitude of sustainability requirements, above all the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) on sustainability reporting. From CSRD to climate accounting to taxonomy - insight into the ESG jungle and practical implementation skills are required.
Read more
Investors Lounge Graz
The evening connects investors with key players in the Styrian startup ecosystem. Be there and make valuable contacts for exciting collaborations!
Read more
Intrapreneurship - empowering employees to innovate
The new three-part series of training courses within the EU project I3HIES is all about how targeted creativity and the idea generation process can be optimized.
Read more
Training course for sustainability officers | Academy for Sustainability
Fulfilling legal requirements, such as the Supply Chain Act, sustainability reporting requirements or sustainability ratings from banks and agencies, requires new qualifications. The introduction of comprehensive ecological sustainability is becoming more and more of a necessity and a market advantage. This requires high-quality training for middle and senior management.
Read more
Value chain articulation and implementation
The new three-part series of training courses within the EU project I3HIES is all about how targeted creativity and the idea generation process can be optimized.
Read more

The most important funding bodies for innovative projects and companies

Municipal Funding

of cities and communities. Directly via the respective business or innovation departments.

state subsidies

Directly via the departments for economy, innovation, science, health.

Funding organizations of the federal states

Federal subsidies

Directly via the departments for economy, innovation, science, health, social affairs.

funding organizations (business-related) of the federal government: 


EU grants: Industry-related and intersectoral programs such as DESIRE, Enabling Transformation, etc.

Industry cluster organizations (and intersectoral): HTS, Medical Technology Cluster Upper Austria, LISA Austria, Silicon Alps


DI Pascal Mülner
Business Developer Digitization & Strategic Lead Pharma / BioTech
Bruni, MSc
Margherita Bruni, MSc
Project management EU funding for life sciences
Koenig, MSc
Laura Daviña König, MSc
Project management enabling transformation


edi across


The ERDF funding pot "Enabling Digital Innovation" was dedicated to growth through innovation - and has become a success story.

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